Yew Henge – Waterperry
The circle of yew trees planted at Waterperry in the pattern of Stonehenge is maturing into a sacred place. Eight times a year, on the cross and cross-quarter days, a small group meets to celebrate the seasons. There is a procession, some role-playing of characters from Arthurian legend, acknowledgement of the ancestors and the spirits of place. It is open to those of all faiths and none and will appeal to those wishing to deepen their connection to the land and the planet.
Saturday 21st December 2024
You are invited to join us for the Midwinter celebration on Saturday 21 December to start the Christmas holiday off with a bow to the ancient tradition of greeting the winter solstice.
On Saturday afternoon there will be short talks by Simon Buchanan, David Hockley and Linda Proud, followed by procession to Yew Henge to watch the celebration. Afterwards there will be a seasonal supper around the firepit, weather permitting. Otherwise, indoors.
The talks will be on the Wheel of the Year, the Way of the Druid and Earth Energies at Waterperry.
Wrap up warm, wear sturdy shoes and bring a torch or lantern.
More Details
More details to follow, but please register your interest now as places will be limited.